die schönsten bücher aus aller welt

Stiftung Buchkunst rewarded Daniël van Dicht with the bronze medal of Best Book Design from all over the World 2016.  An independent, international jury convened in Leipzig with the task of selecting fourteen outstandingly designed books (1 Gold Medal, 2 Silver Medals, 5 Bronze Medals and 5 Honorary Appreciations) from almost 600 of the best books from 32 countries, choose for Daniel!

A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+ A+

About a month ago we won the competition for the new identity for A+ Achitecture in Belgium. Very soon the next issue (Re)cycle (Re)habilitate will be released.

Welcome to our New Website!

Prix Fernand Baudin

Three of our books Schakelpauzes, Daniël van Dicht and Das Objekt are rewarded with the Fernand Baudin Prize 2014. 

website by Dear Reader & SYSTƎME D
WP-Backgrounds Lite by InoPlugs Web Design and Juwelier Schönmann 1010 Wien